Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6.4 Applications of Radians

Comic of the Day
Tip: Stay on target... stay on target!

Warm Up and Questions from the Homework
Convert as an exact value, and rounded to 2 decimal places.
a) 235° = _____ rad
b) π° = _____ rad
c) 6.00 rad = ____°
d) 9π/7 rad = ____°
What is the length of an arc that subtends an angle of 70°, at a radius of 7cm?

  • Next quiz Thu, Feb 28 (6.4 Radians and Arc Length)
  • Next unit exam Mon, Mar 11 (55 minutes, in class)
  • Summary of Studying (SOS) must be completed to write unit exam
Today - 6.4 Applications of Radians

Intermission - Should tau replace pi?

6.4 #61-67

Tomorrow - 6.5 Unit Circle
Pre-read 6.5

For more information

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