Friday, April 5, 2013

11.5 Fundamental Counting Principle, Factorial Notation

Comic of the Day

Tip: For passwords, if it's not long, it's wrong

Warm Up and Questions from the Homework
Review quiz

  • Next quiz Tue, Apr 9 (11.5 Permutations)
  • Next unit exam Thu, Apr 18 (55 minutes, in class)
  • Summary of Studying (SOS) must be completed to write unit exam
  • Final Exam - Thu, Apr 25, 8:15-10:10, E102 (regular classroom)
Today - 11.5 Fundamental Counting Principle, Factorial Notation
Mathematicians of Catan
a) When rolling two dice, what are all the possibilities?
b) When picking two cards from a five-card hand, what are all the possibilities?

11.5 #5-13

Tomorrow - 11.5 Permutations
Pre-read rest of 11.5

For more information

1 comment:

  1. Don't give out dice and cards on a Friday afternoon. Or, just give out dice and have them roll a bunch of times to collect data. Suggest using a tree diagram or list the possibilities in an ordered way 11,12, the beginning so that they have a structured way to get the possibilities. They want to throw lots of extra information in, about probability or repeated results, that gets them off track.
