Tuesday, April 2, 2013

8.3 Graphing Complex Numbers, Trigonometric Form

Comic of the Day

The Beauty of Roots
The above graphic shows all of the complex roots of all polynomials with degree 24 and coefficients of +1 or -1. 

The circle has radius 1, and is centred at (0,0).  Isn't math beautiful? 

Warm Up and Questions from the Homework
a) Simplify

b) Simplify

  • Student Feedback on Instruction (SFI) on Wednesday
  • Next quiz Thu, Apr 4 (3.1, 8.3-8.4 Complex Numbers, Polar or Trigonometric Form)
  • Next unit exam Thu, Apr 18 (55 minutes, in class)
  • Summary of Studying (SOS) must be completed to write unit exam
Today - 8.3 Graphing Complex Numbers, Trigonometric Form

8.3 #1-11, 33-43

Tomorrow - 8.4 Polar Coordinates
Preread 8.4

For more information

1 comment:

  1. Timing good, except didn't have time for adding in trig form. Also need to include definition a=rcos
