Wednesday, April 3, 2013

8.4 Graphing and Converting Polar Coordinates

Comic of the Day

The police confiscated the following items:

Student Feedback on Instruction (SFI)

Warm Up and Questions from the Homework
a) Graph the following complex number, and convert to trigonometric form, r(cosΘ+isinΘ), as an exact value

b) Graph the following complex number, and convert to standard form, a+bi, as an exact value

  • Next quiz Thu, Apr 4 (3.1, 8.3-8.4 Complex Numbers, Polar or Trigonometric Form)
  • Next unit exam Thu, Apr 18 (55 minutes, in class)
  • Summary of Studying (SOS) must be completed to write unit exam
  • Final Exam - Thu, Apr 25, 8:15-10:10, E102 (regular classroom)
Today - 8.4 Polar Coordinates
The following excerpt from the EL-531 calculator manual may or may not be useful
Polar Boat Game

Intermission - Imagine

8.3 #1-11 add #13-31, 33-43
8.4 #1-37

Tomorrow - Review 3.1, 8.3, 8.4, Quiz
Practice quiz or homework review, then real quiz

For more information

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